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Old 07-05-2016, 09:07 AM   #9896
ExedExes's Avatar
Score Smasher
826 posts
ExedExes radiates charm and wit like a freakin' piece of uranium made of genetically altered super monkey brainsExedExes radiates charm and wit like a freakin' piece of uranium made of genetically altered super monkey brainsExedExes radiates charm and wit like a freakin' piece of uranium made of genetically altered super monkey brainsExedExes radiates charm and wit like a freakin' piece of uranium made of genetically altered super monkey brainsExedExes radiates charm and wit like a freakin' piece of uranium made of genetically altered super monkey brainsExedExes radiates charm and wit like a freakin' piece of uranium made of genetically altered super monkey brainsExedExes radiates charm and wit like a freakin' piece of uranium made of genetically altered super monkey brainsExedExes radiates charm and wit like a freakin' piece of uranium made of genetically altered super monkey brainsExedExes radiates charm and wit like a freakin' piece of uranium made of genetically altered super monkey brainsExedExes radiates charm and wit like a freakin' piece of uranium made of genetically altered super monkey brains
View Stats
Level: 16
Points: 3,201, Level: 16 Points: 3,201, Level: 16 Points: 3,201, Level: 16
Level up: 38%
Level up: 38%, 249 Points needed Level up: 38% Level up: 38%
Activity: 0%
Activity: 0% Activity: 0% Activity: 0%


Teddy Loc's old 57,180 highscore in Wiz was beaten by ExedExes with 61,550 points. The previous score was 440 days old.

See if you can beat the new highscore!

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Score approved by QAOP Spaceman.